Mobiles: Fluttering Colors

Some of the images I see in magazines are too pretty to throw away – so years ago, I began making mobiles out of them.  I’ve always loved mobiles and the way the air moves them to add a bit of liveliness and loveliness to a room.  While any room benefits from a bit of fluttering color, I believe these are especially nice for rooms where babies, children, older folks and people of limited mobility spend their restful time.  It’s always more interesting to look at something that gently dances as the air moves it while the mind gets to dream.  However, that does make it a challenge to photograph them well – so I’ve had to show them in a stationary moment.  Just imagine them dangling from a light, a ceiling, a curtain rod, etc.  Some of these are garlands that look great over a window, a mirror, in front of a desk, etc.

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